Dr. Leez Hassan is a multi-award-winning Entrepreneur, a professional learning Trainer, and a Transformational Work-Life Balance Coach and Mentor, with experience in upgrading the quality of life and being successful by mastering work-life balance in both professional and personal domains. She’s a renowned female leader who believes success begins at home & empowering future generations is the key to creating a better world.
Dr Leez is also the CEO of ADLA Group Sdn Bhd, the Founder of the International Work-Life Balance Forum (IWLBF), the Founder of the Women Mentoring Network, the Founder of Spread Love, and the Founder of the fashion brand – LEEZARRA.
She is also an author, a motivational speaker, a Cherie Blaire Foundation Mentor, and the Academy of Women Entrepreneur Mentor. Professionally she is also a council member Malaysian Institute of Management, Deputy President of the Business Professional Network Malaysia, and former Vice President of Peniagawati Malaysia.