Sheba Nandkeolyar IAA Global Vice President, DE&I IAA Australia President CEO, MultiConnexions Group

Sheba Nandkeolyar
Sheba Nandkeolyar is a passionate marketer and champion for Women's empowerment. She is the IAA Global Vice President of DE&I and the Chair of the DE&I Council. Sheba is also the President of IAA Australia and in her business life has founded and leads Australia’s iconic diversity and multicultural marketing company, MultiConnexions Group. Sheba is a board member of several industry and government boards. Her advice is actively sought by government as well as corporates. In her role as the Chair of DE&I Council IAA Global, she guides and works closely with IAA members across the 56 countries that IAA has presence in. She loves her advocacy role of promoting diversity, equity and inclusion in the marketing world and beyond. Sheba mentors Next Gen leaders especially young women to ensure they tap on their talents & capabilities to leverage success & happiness.

Day 3 - March 8, 2024 (Friday)

Time Session
  • IAA Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Vision
    A glimpse of IAA
    Sheba Nandkeolyar Speaker IAA Global Vice President, DE&I IAA Australia President CEO, MultiConnexions Group
  • Unity in Diversity: Women Empowering the World
    As the most extensive audience amid Chinese-language media organizations overseas?Phoenix TV Group has alwaysfocusedonwomen's issues. On one hand, how do we use our international media advantage to tell the stories of Chinese women; ontheotherhand, how do we fulfill our media responsibilities to allow Chinese women to tell their own positive stories.
    Chi XiaoYan Speaker Executive Director and Senior Vice President,, Deputy Director of Marketing Management Committee, Phoenix TV Group
  • The Future is Female
    Enabling women to achieve their full potential - both in business and in the communities we serve - is not only a matter of social responsibility, morality, and legal compliance; it also makes excellent business sense. Knowing the facts around the role that women play in society and in households, we need to challenge ourselves as marketers to consider how much of our work is actually targeted at women? The future may be female, but are we geared efficiently as a marketing community to cater to that?
    Khensani Nobanda Speaker Group Executive For Group Marketing And Corporate Affairs, Nedbank
  • Re-coding Creativity Through the Lenses of Diversity, Equality and Inclusivity
    Simon Cook Speaker Chief Executive Officer, LIONS
Ballroom 1 & 2